Saturday, January 16, 2016

Day 15 ~ Research Aquarium Tour, Paintball, and Hotspring

Day 15 began with a tour of the research facility and specimen library at the National Museum of Marine Biology and Aquarium near Pingtung.  We were able to go behind the scenes and view the coral-growing tanks and strategies, as well as the different animals studied by the scientists at the aquarium.  We were able to see three different sea turtles of varying age being held in the aquarium for medical purposes, as well as surgeon fish and grouper being studied for research purposes.  We were also able to view the coral dividing and growing sections of the aquarium.  We then moved to the specimen library portion of the aquarium tour.  The building was filled with all varieties of rare and exotic sea life.  With the afternoon free, we spent a few hours playing paintball before heading to a hot spring in the area.  This hot spring had three special pools, two filled with Chinese medicinal herbal extracts, and the third filled with small pedicure fish.  This pool was kept colder than the others to allow the fish to thrive.  The fish would swarm any feet that were placed in the pool, rushing to dinner.  Their mouths felt like rough patches of sandpaper gently and quickly tickled against your feet.

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